Dry needling

 in Alpharetta, GA

Dry needling is a specific clinical technique for musculoskeletal pain and human movement dysfunction. It can help soft tissue injuries including inflammation, scar tissue, tissue adhesions, sensitized nerve tissue as well as restoring local tissue balance and also improve how the injure tissue interacts with surrounding tissue for a more balanced body overall. It involves inserting tiny ‘dry’ needles (there is no medication or injection) into specific tissues in order to prompt our body to heal itself.

Our pelvic specialists are highly trained and provide dry needling in Alpharetta, GA to our patients when it is needed.

what can dry needling help with?

  • Pelvic Pain

  • Neck and Mid Back Pain

  • Tension headaches

  • Muscle Tightness

  • Scar Tissue Adhesions

  • Low Back Pain

  • SI joint pain

  • Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction

  • Hip pain

  • Incontinence

  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse

  • Urgency/Frequency

how does it work?

Dry Needling is a special kind of treatment that can help with injured or inflamed soft tissues in our body. Soft tissues are things like muscles and tendons that can get hurt or sore from sports, exercise, or just everyday activities.

When we receive dry needling, a physical therapist uses small needles to poke into the area where we are feeling pain or discomfort. This might sound scary, but the needles are very thin and it doesn't hurt much, if at all.

When the needles are poked into our skin, it sends a message to our body to start healing the injured tissue. This happens in two different ways.

First, at the local level (the injury site), the injured tissue starts to change and become healthier. This can help to reduce pain and make it easier to move the affected area. It's kind of like when you put a Band-Aid on a cut - it helps your skin heal faster.

Second, at the systemic level (whole body), dry needling can help to create balance in our body. This means that our joints and posture start to work better together, which can help reduce stress on our body. It's like when you balance on one foot - it's easier to stand up straight and not wobble around.

So, overall, dry needling is a way to encourage our body to heal itself when we have soft tissue injuries or inflammation. It can help reduce pain, increase movement, and create more balance in our body.

is it safe during pregnancy?

Dry Needling is generally safe after the first trimester, however you and your Physical Therapist will thoroughly go through your medical and obstetric history as well as an evaluation to determine if dry needling is a technique that would benefit you.

dry needling is included in our one on one physical therapy sessions however can be performed as an individual service